Installing and connecting the remote control button

The button is necessary during work to supply voltage to the electric fuel pump of the Transporter T4 , bypassing the standard circuit.
The following units are required:
- Pushbutton switch;
- Alligator clip (large enough to connect to the battery terminal);
- 8 A fuse;
- A flat terminal that will fit into the contact in the fuse box located on the side of the instrument panel;
- Two-wire wire 1.5 mm2 and approx. 5 m long.
♦ Before connecting the remote control, check fuse 18 in the fuse box.
♦ Remove the fuel pump relay from the relay panel (location no. 12).
♦ Connect the remote control with a flat plug to pin 4 of relay socket no. 12 (see fig. 246).

Rice. 246 Remote button connection

♦ Connect the button with a crocodile clip to the /+/ terminal of the battery.

The essence of the Digifant system . Replacement doors T4 .

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