Proper vehicle lifting

In order to lift one or another part of the Transporter T4 car, it is impossible to install a regular car or hydraulic jack under the oil sump, gearbox housing, rear and front suspension beams, because this can cause deformation or damage to these units / assemblies.
In order to raise the front of the vehicle, it is recommended to place a jack under the cross member at the location shown in fig. 60. In order to raise the rear of the car, the lift must be set as shown in fig. 61 under the rear trailing arm bracket.

Rice. 60 Lifting the front of the vehicle Transporter T4

Rice. 61 Raise the rear of the vehicle Transporter T4

A special lift is shown, the jacks must be installed in the same place.
The coolant level must be between the two marks on the reservoir (see Fig. 62).

Rice. 62 Expansion tank of the cooling system

Automatic box Conveyor . Start Transporter T4.

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