Diesel engine lubrication system

The lubrication system of the T4 four-cylinder diesel engine is the same as that of the four-cylinder gasoline engine.
Only the pressure sensors are different. The 0.3 bar (0.03 MPa) sensor is the same, the second sensor signals a pressure drop only at 0.9 bar (0.09 MPa). Naturally, a diesel engine does not have an ignition distributor. The oil guide is near the bottom edge of the cylinders. In a five-cylinder engine, the design of the oil pump and its placement in the engine is different from the oil pump of a gasoline engine. The gear type oil pump is driven directly from the crankshaft and is located at the front of the engine. Oil pump Conveyor T4 must be removed as a whole.
For disassembly, it is necessary to remove the rear oil seal cover (17, Fig. 222). The working elements of the pump are two gear wheels.

222 Oil pump device and drive 1 - bolt, 460 Nm, 2 - vibration damper, 3 - lower timing belt cover, 4 - upper timing belt cover, 5 - timing belt, 6 - bolt, 85 Nm, 7 - camshaft pulley, 8 - rear toothed belt cover, 9 - stud, 10 Nm, 10 - bolt, 20 Nm, I - bolt, 10 Nm, 12 - oil pump gears, 13 - bolt, 10 Nm, 14 - oil pump housing, 15 - front crankshaft oil seal, 16 - pressure reducing valve, 17 - rear plate

On fig. 222 shows the structure of the oil pump, as well as the parts that must be dismantled so that the pump can be removed from the engine. Removal and installation of the oil pump are described below.

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